Below you’ll find information about the events going on within our Kingdom.
Note that these listings are copied down from the official records maintained by our Webmaster, Daciana Masson.
If you are running an EMP event, fill out THIS FORM. Your event will appear on the calendar below in roughly a week’s time.
Post Event Information
If you are the Viceroy for an Event please don't forget to fill out the Post Event Paperwork and submit it within 30 days of your event to the Kingdom Exchequer - Gunnulf Hvitaskeggr.
Event Templates
Running an Event can be stressful but the right trackers can make it easier on everyone. We have Tracker Templates available for everyone to use below. Simply open the tracker, make a copy to your own G Drive and go from there!
Upcoming Events
Check out the Events happening soon throughout Summaria!